Having any kind of element of challenge is important in mostly any kind of games, especially ours, since we are supposed to make a space-shooter-ish game depending on the certain theme that the Concept Document we chose was built upon. While there are challenges in having different puzzles, there is also a challenge in having something or someone trying to kill or pursue the playable character in any way possible.
One of my first things that I worked on for my group's game project was coding the enemy collider and hitbox. Since we are using Unity as the game engine, it is quite easy to code. Usually the hitbox and collider are different things but in Unity they are the same for the object I was working on. After some time trying to learn Unity, since it is my first time ever using it for making a game, I learnt the basic tools that was needed for building the hitbox and the collider. So by putting a hitbox and a collider on an object you are able to command that object to do whatever you want it to do, for example making it move in any direction or on a hit with another object it's getting destroyed. It wasn't that much of coding needed in creating the hitbox and the collider but specific codes will be attached to them later on in the making.
So by using this hitbox and collider, I attached it to an asset that I called "Enemy". This asset will be the challenge in our game and is therefore quite important to not mess up or mess with, but since the Game Project is supposed to be made in Unity it is quite difficult to mess up. But while I was doing this and preparing to code merge with my co-programmer, I, ofcourse, had to ran into trouble with the things that I was doing. When trying to upload the file something happened which was followed with Unity not working on my computer. While trying to fix this problem I realised that the only way for it to work was delete it and reinstall it. So after some time had passed I was able to send the correct assets over to my Co-programmer.
Down bellow are some old concept art of the enemies.